Utah Beekeepers' Association

As Currently Organized since 1892; Serving and Representing Utah's Beekeepers Since the Early 1860's.
Mission Statement: Our aim is to keep beekeepers in the state of Utah informed about what is happening in the industry; to promote beekeeping and honey production for all Commercial, Sideliner and Hobbyist Beekeepers.

E-Books, Out-of-Print Books, and Public Domain Books

50 Years Among the Bees by CC Miller (1911) ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture by AI Root (1910)
American Honey Plants by Frank C Pellett (1920) Anatomy of the Honey Bee by RE Snodgrass (1910)
At The Hive Entrance by H Storch (1985) A Thousand Answers to Beekeeping Questions by CC Miller (1917)
Beehives and Bee Keepers' Appliances by Paul N Hasluck (1911) Beekeeper's Guide by AJ Cook (1902)
Beekeeping Basics by MAAREC
Beekeeping For All by Abbé Émile Warré (1948)
Beekeeping in California 1 - Fundamentals
Beekeeping in California 2
Beekeeping in Tennessee
Beekeeping in Northern Climates 
Beekeeping in the United States (USDA Publication 335) Beekeeping in the United States (USDA Publication 335)
Beekeeping Manual 1 - Basic by Pam Gregory Beekeeping Manual 2 - Advanced by Pam Gregory
Beekeeping: Natural, Simple and Successful by Johann Thür Beginning Beekeeping for Kentuckians by Townsend
Constructive Beekeeping by Ed Clark (1918) Dadant System of Beekeeping by CP Dadant (1920)
Farming for Bees by Xerces Society (2015) First Lessons in Beekeeping by CP Dadant (1917)
Honey Farming by ROB Manley How to Build a Top Bar Hive by Phil Chandler
Langstroth on the Hive & Honey Bee by LL Langstroth (1919) Mysteries of Beekeeping by M. Quinby
National Bee Keeping Training and Extension Manual, Uganda (2012) Plants and Beekeeping by FN Howes (1945)
Practical Queen Rearing by Frank C Pellett (1918) Productive Management of Honey Bee Colonies by Farrar (1944)
Queen Rearing Simplified by Jay Smith (1923) Starting Right With Bees by AI Root (1922)
Strathcona Beekeepers' Library Sustainable and Bee-friendly Beekeeping by David Heaf
Sustainable Beekeeping by Bernhard Heuvel Wax Craft by TW Cowan (1908)
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