Utah Beekeepers' Association

As Currently Organized since 1892; Serving and Representing Utah's Beekeepers Since the Early 1860's.
Mission Statement: Our aim is to keep beekeepers in the state of Utah informed about what is happening in the industry; to promote beekeeping and honey production for all Commercial, Sideliner and Hobbyist Beekeepers.

Note: Association events are reserved for paid-up members of the Association. If you don't see the event you want to attend listed below, you do not have the appropriate level of membership. Please click the membership tab above to pay your dues. Then, come back to this page to reserve your spot in the following events:

  • In-person attendance at the annual Association convention.
  • Zoom attendance at the annual Association convention.
  • Participation in the annual Association dinner.
  • Attendance at special events and workshops.

If you still have problems, please contact the webmaster, telling him which event(s) you want to attend.

Upcoming events

Annual Association Conference

Date : Friday and Saturday, February 21 and 22 (starting at 8am each morning).

Location : 645 S 200 E, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Event is free to paid members. Lunch included on both days.

After you pay your dues, register for the conference at https://uba.wildapricot.org/events.

Event flyer.


Blake Shook: A commercial beekeeper and owner of Desert Creek Honey in Texas. He successfully manages thousands of hives for honey production and commercial pollination. https://www.desertcreekhoney.com/our-story-1

Dr. Brandon Hopkins: Washington State University, Assistant Research Professor, Apiary and Laboratory Manager of the WSU Apiary Program. He will speak on bee nutrition and substitute feeding of sugar syrup and substitute pollen patties. Also oxalic acid mite treatment research. https://entomology.wsu.edu/directory/faculty/brandon-hopkins/

Nathan Reid: HiveIQ: He will discuss HiveIQ's fascinating Introduction of an improved new concept in bee hives that is thermally superior. Nathan is a lifelong beekeeper with over 15 seasons of hands-on research and commercial experience in honeybee management. He is a member of the Eastern Apicultural Society for 9 years, and certified as an EAS Master Beekeeper in 2021. Nathan has had the privilege of collaborating with leading beekeepers and research institutions. He’s passionate about bridging the gap between science and practice. Managing hives for Honey production and Pollination. https://www.hiveiq.com/

Glade Sessions (Utah Bee Man) Manages 40 hives in the Roosevelt, Utah area. Sideline Beekeeper for 10 Years.

Annual Association Dinner

Date:  Friday, February 21 at 6 PM.

Location : 645 S 200 E, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Cost: $35.

Register below.

No events available.

Past events

24 Feb 2023 2023 Annual Association Dinner
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